
Aqilah & Azrilrizal

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Delicious with Boyfielicious

Previous entri mak memang sentap sikit.. Biasalah, perempuan. Kan kuat sentap :P lama x update blog. Macam2 nak cerita, tp end up mesti lupa lah, x de mood lah. 1001 alasan y'all! *tetiba hiphop plak!*

Harini satu hari suntuk hujan, from morning till night. So, memang best lah duduk je bawah blanket! :P suppose En Azrilrizal teman I pegi beli handbag yang semalam x sempat, pun x jadi sebab kerja,kerja, kerja. Boringgggg! Hahaha.. I know. Nak jumpa dia pun susah nowadays! 1minggu ada 7 hari kan? So, I got to meet him like......... Once a week. Can you believe it? Tensi juga.. But what to do. Cukup bagus bole meet up once a week. Dari separuh hari once a week tu kan? Tapi, I selalu je dapat separuh hari once a week tu *sigh*

So, semalam.. We had our late lunch kat Delicious Duo. Tempat dia cool sangat dari Delicious lain yang pernah I pergi sebab penuh dengan kehijauan (Mid Valley, Bangsar, OU) so, we hang out.. Borak2 pasal ape dah jadi to both of us untuk 1 week (basically dia jelah kan. I xde story sgt execpt pasal American Idol 10 and other cerita yang ada kat tv sebab I kan penggangur lagi :) ) then download games kt iPod. Borak lagi, tengok kiri kanan. Borak lagi :)

Lepas tu, pergi area Bukit Bintang.. Jalan2. Ingatkan I nak la cari baju 25 hengget selai.. Bole la beli 4-5 helai (bole la jimat sket duit sebab x keje lagi :P ) Tapiiiiii! Xde yang I bekenan langsung! :( tulah sebab tamak kan nak sampai 4-5 helai. End up, I beli sehelai je dekat F21. Yang baju nya bole dpt 3helai untuk 25 hengget. *sigh* tapi xpe, sebab I suka :D then I bough 1 pair of pants from Ripcurl untuk En Azrilrizal. Hadiah for our anniversary. Yeah, next month is our 72 month anniversary. How time flies. Harap jodoh kami berpanjangan.. Amin.

Sometimes I wish I could turn back time, back then when we were young and x de apa2 commitment except for studies. I know dia kerja, because dia ade commitment to his parents etc. So! I have to accept it! :)

Kan best if I can could spend more a lil bit of time with my other half. How I wish..

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Monday, January 17, 2011


You might be reading my blog. Who knows kan? Entri ni khas utk you. Sapa makan cili dia terasa pedas :)

I betul2 x suka cara you lah. Kelakar. Semua pun you nak add eh? Friendster, Facebook, twitter. The funny part is. Benda semua ni lebih kurang je. Tapi knp nak add juga? Adakah di sebabkan anda terlampau obsess? Haihh.. X faham, x faham. Oh, btw, mcm mana ye you tau bf I ade twitter? X ke stalker nama nya tu? :)

Cakap dah ada bf, so I guess baiklah you jaga bf you tu dr sibuk nak tau perkembangan bf I :)

Pedas eh? Nak air?

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Friday, January 14, 2011

I miss you. I do :'(

Today, if my mom hidup lagi, she will be 59 :) but I bet.. Dia msti cantik. Paling penting cantik kat mata I :)

Since dia dah xde, I feel like I lost almost everything. I'm very close to her.. Imagine, every weekend msti ada mother-daughter day out. Kami pegi tgk wayang, window shopping etc, ect. Bila dia xde tu, terasa sgtlah something missing. Rasa mcm hilang matahari yang selama ni dok menyinar dan bagi I tenaga.

Bila fikir blk, rasa mcm baru je semalam dia tinggal kan I. Tp x sangka.. Tahun ni genap 7thn dia tinggal kan I.. Perit dia, sakit dia.. Lain.. Xde sapa bole rasa. Xde mak, dgn xde ayah lain.. Tapi, kalau di beri pilihan.. Dua2 I nak sentiasa ada dgn I.. Apa yg mampu skrg ni, berdoa semoga dia aman di sana..

I kalau ada anak nanti, nak ade relationship and bond yang sama mcm I dgn Mummy.. I want to treat my kids mcm Mummy treat I..

I igt lagi last word yg dia ckp I, before dia msk OT and lepas tu I da x jumpa dia dah. "You are a good girl" that is the last word that I heard from her. And I will keep that in mind forever. I miss you Mummy :'(


Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Its his day.

Today birthday my other half En Azrilrizal :) so we celeb8 skt Fish Manhattan Sunway. Syana and angah her sister join skali sbb I ade masalah transport sikit. Benda ni jadi last minit. So, x bole nak ubah apa2. Xpelah dugaan ;)

Dugaan today mmg dasat. I akan ingat smpai bila2. Hehe.. I xtau lah dia suka ke x bday present I bagi tu. And cupcakes. Yeah, cupcakes. Tulah seperaissss nya! Hahaha..

Today genap En Azrilrizal 24 yrs old. Yea. Old. Wakakaka.. No matter how old he is. I will love him till death do as apart. I can't imagine my life without him. I even can't imagine me being with someone else. That shows how much I love him. I love you sayang!

I ucapakan semoga panjang umur. Murah rezeki. So that you bole happy kan parents you mcm yang you nak. I will always support you :)

I wish I could be much more better person in future. So that I could be the 'perfect' one for you. Happy birthday Ahmad Azrilrizal! :)

*today birthday Adam juga. Happy birthday Adam! :)

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Monday, January 3, 2011

Its never to late

Emosi2 punya pasal... Lupa nak wish sesuatu... Belum terlambat lagi rasanya I nak wish kan kat semua "Selamat Tahun Baru!"
So now I nak update pic wkt I pg Spore early last month. Alaa.. Spore je kan. Bkn obersea sgt. Hehehehe.. Sure you guys get the picture kannn... I pg Sentosa, but x pg USS pun sbb x sempat. I tdo JB. Lagi pun En Azrilrizal ajak pg next year sbb ade a few x bukak lagi... Smpai bengkak2 kaki! Hahahahaa.. pg pakai pump shoes, blk pakai selipa je :P
So, layan je lah pic ni :)
Masa ni kat Singapore

Masa ni kat JB

Wkt kat JB, I jumpa ramai juga my friends. Mmg seronok lah. Lepak2 dgn dorg. Lama x jumpa kan. Funny part is. I jumpa kwn I yg ddk JB 2 org je. Lain semua ddk KL!! hahaha.. Kat KL x jumpa, kt JB pulak bole jumpa :)

His current obsession.

Nerf (trademarked in capitals as NERF) is a toy, created for safe indoor play, that shoots foam like material. The acronym NERF stands for Non-Expanding Recreational Foam. Most of the toys are a variety of foam-based weaponry. The most notable of the toys are the dart guns (referred to by Hasbro as "blasters") that shoot ammunition made from Nerf foam. (Sumber Wikipedia)

This thing is his current obsession. Nak main basikal, kos nya mahal sgt. Mcm mana nk kumpul duit nak kawin :p

So on Saturday, lepas I solat magrib dkt KLCC (sbb kami dating kt sana) I pn pegi lah kt En Azrirlizal yg sedang menanti. Tiba2 terus ajak I pg 'toys r us'. I pun pelik jg. Terus En Azrilrizal ajak I pg section gun. Nak beli NERF ni. Siap nk msk persatuan NERF Malaysia. Actually dia mcm paint ball lah. Then buat muka sedih. X kasi, x smpai ati. Lgpun dia x de hobi pun. So I bglah. Dgn kata sepakat, dia pun rembat satu. Harga dia. Sensri google lah. Xdelah mahal sgt. Tp bolela tahan. But then, dia minat.. I bg jela :)

Then, dia beli soft kusyen for me. Me like! :)

"Lebih baik hobi baru, dr awex baru (Azrilrizal, 2011)"

Ya Allah.. Permudahkan lah urusan ku Rabu ni.. X bole tuka masa. Sbb dah last min.. Rasa mcm nak nagis :(

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Ok.. Great! Surprise tu siap pkl 5ptg @ 6ptg! Damn it!

Waaaaaaaaaaaa :'(
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Plan utk birthday my other half mcm bakal x sempurna mcm yang I plan je :(

Tp semua dah siap. Surprise nya dah siap.. Uwaaaaaaaaaa :'(

Mcm mana ni??

Ya Allah, permudahkan semua urusan hambamu ini.. Amin.
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone